Installation & Operation Manual:
Automated Forklift Entryway Sanitizing System
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P a g e
Take the forklift to a location, door opening or entryway area where you want the unit to
spray the tires. Note the height and angle of the photo sensor and the desired direction
of travel in relation to the sensor. Most installations will call for the reflective tape to be
installed on the right side of the entryway to permit operation when entering and not
when exiting.
Confirm that this height and angle will work for all desired entryways, then measure and
record the centerline height of the sensor. Using this measurement, apply one of the
adhesive-backed reflective strips at the appropriate height, such that when the forklift
passes the tape, the sensor will receive a reflected beam and activate the pump system.
Each provided strip is 24” in length. When installed correctly, the
beam height should be
near the center of the 24” strip. This will allow some variability between lifts and
installations. For optimum beam reflection, the reflective tape and beam should pass at
90° angles relative to each other.
Install additional reflective strips at the same height at each desired door or entryway.
Photo Electric Beam Height
Reflective Tape Mounting Height__________ to bottom__________to top of strip.