KLAXON Mobility GmbH - ENG
KLICK Power Limited Edition Manual (ENG) - rev.1.0 of 2020.07.07
Do not use KLICK devices on roads with unsuitable pavement.
Do not use KLICK devices with adverse weather (rain, strong wind, etc.).
Do not use the KLICK devices to go up or down steps higher than 50 mm (see Figure 3).
Do not use KLICK devices on rated slopes greater than 6°/10% . The value can also be lower in accordance with the
pavement condition (see Figure 2).
Consider that traction and stability might be affected by the pavement condition even within maximum slope.
When driving downhill, do not exceed two-thirds of the maximum speed; avoid sudden braking or accelerations on
Never go over obstacles when driving uphill or downhill.
Do not go up or down staircases.
Do not attempt to go over obstacles diagonally: make sure that the rear wheels always go over the obstacle together.
Never stop halfway. Do not attempt to go over obstacles over 50 mm high.
When the device is in motion, avoid moving the centre of gravity or abruptly moving your body.
It is advisable to drive through narrow passages at minimum speed and with utmost caution.
When using KLICK devices, the risk of tipping-over during cornering increases: reduce speed before turning. Accelerate
again only after completing the curve.
When using KLICK devices, do not make U-turns on rated slopes greater than 3° (or lower according to pavement
condition) and at a speed higher than level 1 and 3km/h (or lower according to pavement condition).
It can be difficult to manoeuvre in front of a lift or at the entrance of a building since the wheelchair’s turning radius
increases when coupled with a KLICK device; this could conflict with the standards of the buildings or the actual size
of the entrances.
When entering a building and/or an elevator, always take into account the turning radius of your wheelchair equipped
with the KLICK device. Avoid driving into situations from which you would not be capable of exiting because you would
be unable to turn your wheelchair.
Absolutely never use the Klick device along tramway, rail and light railway tracks. Pay the utmost attention at level
crossings, keeping the Klick’s and wheelchair wheels at due distance. Failure to comply with this precaution could
cause serious damages to the device and the user. The same precautions apply to water drains, manholes and all kinds
of hollows along the way.
Consider that the stopping distance on slopes can be significantly greater than on a flat ground.
Switch off the device before entering and before leaving an indoor ambient.
Potential finger traps are shown in Figure 49.
Potential squeezing points are shown in Figures 50 and 51.