user manual V1.0
Turning the pot, the LED column indicates the duration as follows, LED off = 1ms, then one LED at
a time corresponding to values 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8ms; turning further brings a bar-graph that
reflects values continuously adjustable from 10ms to 10 second.
The default value is 4ms which should suffice for typical Gate to Trigger conversion. Longer
triggers could be used for punchy envelopes (use an ADSR set to AR and acting as A, hold, D).
Trigger to gate is realized with longer durations whatever the length of the incoming signals.
1, 2, 3 – Sequence validation
In this function the numbering of the inputs is important. The output will go on only after the
inputs have seen triggers or gates in the proper chronology from input 1 to input 3.
Any time the sequence is broken (e.g. input 3 was activated immediately after input 1) the
validation is reset and should start again from the beginning.
After the output successfully goes on, any further signal to any input will shut it off (possibly
restarting a new sequence if that signal came on input 1).
Signals may overlap; only their rising edge is considered for proper validation.
The manual button inverts the current state of the output.
This function offers 3 heads or tails random generators with variable odds depending on the
input used. When won, the out goes on for the duration of the input signal.
When more than one input is used, winning signals are combined (ored) on the output.
A signal on input 1 has a fifty-fifty chance of passing through.
A signal on input 2 has one in four chance of passing through.
A signal on input 3 has one in eight chance of passing through.
The manual button creates a On that is mixed (ored) with the rest.
Set/Reset + Clock – S/R+C
The labeling of the inputs is in the black boxes above the jacks (Clock, Set, and Reset).
The function implements a typical flip-flop circuit. In its simplest use, feed any cyclic signal to the
Clock input and you get a division by two on the main output.
The set and reset inputs can respectively force and clear the output. A pulse at the clock inverts
the current result. The manual button is an additional clock option.
Without clocking, only using Set and Reset gives you an S/R latch whose result remains stable
until the other input goes high.
Only the rising edges of the incoming signals are taken into account.