ㅣ Installing Boiler ㅣ
1. The boiler has to be fixed horizontally to the wall with some space for cleaning and maintenance.
2. The wall should support enough to hang 35 ~ 45kg of Boiler and be incombustible surface
3. Before installing the boiler, check the pipes and valves for central heating water in & out-let, domestic hot water in
& out-let, and gas.
ㅣSelecting Location ㅣ
1. Please select the location and position, considering some space for cleaning and maintenance.
2. The wall should support enough to hang the boiler of 35 ~45kg. If need, reinforce the wall before installing.
3. Corrosive gas [ex. Ammonia gas, Chloric gas, Sulfur, Acids, etc] can destroy or rust the boiler, flues, and pipes by a
chemical reaction. And it may reduce the efficiency of heater or igniter. Please avoid this location or clean up the place
before installing Boiler.
4. he boiler should be installed onto the incombustible surface.
5. Please avoid the wet place and hermetically sealed location.
The boiler can be installed on any suitable internal wall (suitable sound proofing may be required when installing onto a stud partition wall).
Provision must be made to allow for the correct routing of the flue and setting of the terminal to allow the safe and efficient removal of the
Where a room sealed appliance is installed in a room containing a bath or shower, the appliance and any electrical switch or appliance
control, utilizing mains electricity should be situated specifically in accordance with current IEE Wiring Regulation.
[Installing Boiler]
1. The boiler has to be installed horizontally to the wall with some space for cleaning and maintenance.
2. The boiler has to be fixed firmly with special bolt for its weight and tightly against any vibration.
It is recommended to stick the rubber against vibration.
2-2 Boiler Installation