7-2 Rooom control LED panel
1. When the boiler operates with room temperature heating mode, this symbol display
2. When the boiler operates with room temperature heating mode, this symbol display.
3. Current’s room temperature display in accordance with each heating modes
4. When the boiler operates with timer mode, this symbol display.
5. When the boiler operates with heating temperature mode, adjusted heating temperature
display. More the BAR’s numbers, the heating temperature is higher
6. When the boiler is operating in each setting mode, this symbol display
7. When set the room temperature will changing, this symbol display.
8. When the room temperature will be changing, this symbol display
9. When the boiler doesn’t operate with timer mode, this symbol display
10. When the boiler operates with timer heating mode, this symbol display
11. When the boiler operates with outgoing mode, this symbol display.
12. When the boiler operates with DHW mode, this symbol display