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Before starting:
Check the Intercultivator in detail to ensure that the Intercultivator is in a safe state.
Especially the position of the rotary blade.
It is necessary to maintain the distance between the Intercultivator and the refueling site
at 3 meters.
Ensure that there are no spectators or other animals around. In particular, there must be
no people near the rotary knives.
Pushing the flameout switch to the start position.
The refrigerator starts:
Hold down the times of the carburetor oil pump until the fuel returns to the tubing that you
can see the obvious oil flow.
Properly close the blocking door: Winter is completely closed, summer is part closes, the
heat engine is not closed, pulls the starter lightly for 4-6 times, then pull the starter's rope
hardly to start the engine.
After the engine starts, then put the choke at the fully open position slowly.
After the start of the idle running for 3-5 minutes to preheat the petrol engine, then slowly
increase the throttle to slowly raise the engine speed, at this time check whether the
rotary blade is running, whether the whole machine vibration is too large, or whether the
components of the screws are loose, normal work after everything is normal
Hot machine start
When the engine starts under the condition of heat engine, the door handle is placed in
the fully open position.
When starting, such as excessive inhalation of fuel may cause difficulty in starting, if it is
advisable to lower the spark plug, and full open stop door wind starter forl0 times and
above, then install the spark plug and start according to the foregoing