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Plug the pickups into their respective sockets on the plate mounted on the side of the switch. Make sure
the hot pin goes to the correct side of the socket. It has HOT handwritten on the side of the plug that is the
Hot pin and the socket is also labelled.
DO NOT bend the sockets away from the circuit board.
You will notice the neck pickup has 2 plugs. One is for grounding only and has a single black wire attached
to the cable. This plus into the socket marked 'Neck ground'
Bringing the control plate to the cavity, arrange the pickup cables to avoid getting squeezed between the
walls of the cavity and the hardware parts. The cables should be arranged as shown in Photo 4 (next
page) The control plate should sit snug to the body, poorly arranged cables can prevent this.
Very rarely the angled switch may not fit entirely within the control cavity per Diagram 2 below. Should this
be the case simply tighten the 2 control plate mounting screws firmly with the intention of embedding the
two extreme tips of the corners of the switch frame into the wood. If they won’t push into the wood
completely then position a piece of wood like a short length of broom handle or dowel onto the control
plate directly above the extreme corners of the switch frame: tap the top of the piece of wood with a small
hammer or mallet. Take care that this action does not damage either the guitar or the control plate: tap
only sufficiently to seat the control plate flush onto the wood.
Page 5
Photo 3
Hot side of
plugs go
closest to
the control
This terminal must NOT
be bent over.
Ground plug for
neck pickup with
single Black wire
with these
types of tabs fixed to wood as the
shielding will be permanently