wArnIng! tHe neXt steP (#6) wIll requIre MAterIAl HAndlIng
equIPMent sucH As A cHAIn block or A PAllet lIFt to rAIse
And PosItIon tHe IMPeller HousIng on toP oF tHe coluMns
And suPPorts. Very HeAVy! do not AtteMPt to lIFt IMPellor
HousIng by HAnd, rIsk oF serIous InJury.
using material handling equipment,
raise the main impellor housing (A)
Fig.4 and position it over the left and right columns (B) and drum lid supports
(C) as shown.
7. Secure the main impellor housing (A) Fig.4 to the columns (B) using 8
flange head hex. bolts and washers. Secure the main impellor housing to
the drum lid supports (C) using 4 flange head hex. bolts.
Note: For now, position the auto-clean motor (small motor) on top of the main
impeller housing. Follow assembly instruction further in this manual.
8. The magnetic switch (A) Fig.5 hanging under the main impeller housing
gets installed to the front of the right column. Remove the magnetic switch
cover (C) by removing the two screws (D) that secure it to the switch.
9. Install magnetic switch to column as shown in Fig.5 using two pan head
screws and hex. nuts. Reinstall magnetic switch cover (C).
10. With the help of another person, raise and position the isolation panel (A)
Fig. 6 onto the top of the rear section of the main impeller housing (B).
11. Secure the isolation panel to the main impeller housing using 8 flange
head hex. bolts (A) Fig.7. Secure the lower section of isolation panel to the
right and left columns using two flange head hex. bolts and hex. nuts (B).
FIgure 4
FIgure 5
FIgure 6
FIgure 7