Do not move the press wherever practical the press should be bolted to the ground. Never place any part of
your body through the frame or under any of the moving parts. The forces applied by this press are large if
the arbor plates, press plate or jack plate are not parallel excessive forces can be generated which may lead
to property damage or personal injury.
Important Note:
When adding or replacing oil, always use a good grade Hydraulic Jack Oil. Avoid mixing types of oil. DO
NOT use Brake Fluid, Alcohol, Glycerin, Detergent, Motor Oil or Dirty Oil, Improper fluid can cause serious
internal damage to Jack.
Adding Oil:
With saddle fully lowered & jack on level surface, remove Air Vent Valve. Oil level should be approx 12 mm
below valve hole. If low, add oil as needed then close air vent valve.
Replacing Oil:
For better performance & longevity, replace oil supply once a year. To drain oil, open Air Vent Valve and
loosen the release Valve by turning handle counterclockwise. BE VERY CAREFUL not to permit dirt or
foreign matter to get into the system. Close release valve by turning handle clockwise, fill with good grade
Hydraulic Jack Oil close Air Vent Valve wipe away any spilt fluid. Test jack before lifting a load.
Jack should be wiped clean with soft cloth only. Do not use gasoline, kerosene, or other such solvents or any
abrasive cleanser as cleaning agents and solvents will cause deterioration of the hydraulic seals.
Before storage, twist handle 1-1/2 turns counterclockwise to release pressure in hydraulic cylinder. Leave
handle in this position. Store press level, in a clean environment preferably indoors, in a dry area to protect
jack from moisture.
Repairing Press
There are no user serviceable parts except as outlined above. Only trained, licensed and certified repair
personnel should attempt any repairs or replacing of parts. Any modifications to this Press, except those
performed by the manufacturer, or their designee, will void all warranties both written an implied.