Preparing Work Area
Before using the press, it is important to prepare work area properly. Follow this procedure each time the
press is used to help prevent property damage and or serious injury.
1.) Thoroughly inspect press for damage or wear before each use. Briefly test operation of unloaded jack
before using to press any job. If jack is damaged or is malfunctioning DO NOT USE until the problem is
2.) Consult owner’s manual for safety precautions correct use and recommended procedures before using
the press. The working load limit of the press is 12000 kg. NEVER EXCEED WORKING LOAD LIMIT
3.) Clear children and others from work area before using the press. Another adult should be nearby for
extra safety and assistance but must be clear of press as it is used.
4.) Never use to compress springs or other objects that could be ejected from the press. Do not compress
objects that could shatter.
5.) Clear obstructions from work area. Working in tight or cluttered work areas is dangerous.
6.) Ensure Press and operator are on solid, level ground such as paved or concrete driveway or garage floor.
Uneven or sloped surfaces create hazardous working conditions and may dangerously impede the
function of the press.
Using the Press
This shop press comes with two arbor plates
patterned to allow for wide variety of pressing
1.) Adjust the press plate to the desired height.
Consider a comfortable height for the operator and the distance of travel of the jack.
2.) Twist jack handle completely clockwise on the release valve. Place handle in sleeve and slowly pump
handle until press plate just begins to contact the work piece.
3.) Inspect position of press plate and the arbor plates making sure it is centered and properly engaging the
work piece.
4.) Continue pumping handle until press has completed the required operation. Pay attention to work piece
position as press is applying pressure to be sure there is no danger of slipping off or forcing out of the
work piece.
5.) SLOWLY twist jack handle counterclockwise to release pressure. Be aware that the work piece may
move when pressure is released.
The press is not a vice and no work should be undertaken on the work piece while being held by the press
failure to comply with this instruction creates a potentially hazardous working environment.