Sirius Capacitor Module
User Manual
Model Number - 3550-48-B-1.7C-M-SD-A-G
This manual is subject to change without notice and at the sole discretion of Kilowatt Labs, Inc.
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ports as shown below (Please refer to USB serial driver quick install).
After the troubleshooting if the problem still doesn’t solve, please
consult with your Reseller.
Q. The Module is showing Contact Service.
A. Contact your Reseller for customer support.
Q. How to update the Firmware.
A. New Firmware is uploaded to
.Always check the website for
an update.
Q. The M
odule doesn’t seem to show correct State of Charge (SOC).
A. The Module is using the previous data to correct the state of charge in the long run. Charge the
Module to maximum Voltage and then discharge it to cut-off Voltage and repeat the process several
times to correct the SOC. Note that open voltage is not directly related to SOC.
Q. Can the Sirius Module be installed standing vertically with the connection facing up without
potentially stressing the cells inside the Module?
A. Yes, but NOT in a movable\vibrating position.
Q. What is the difference between the ‘’balancing “and “auto balancing” in “set Config” tab in
A. Balancing: Balancing can be activated from any voltage level when the Module is in standby mode
(Zero current). When all the cells get balance, the balancing will stop. The time required to balance all
cells depends on cells condition.
Auto balancing: Auto balancing is activated automatically during charging when the cells get
Note that it is activated only when the Module Voltage reaches ~52 V.
Q. Can balancing and auto balancing options be activated at a same time?
A. Yes.
Q. When to use Sirius Config?
A. The Module is received with full settings and the most updated firmware, however, if you want to
calibrate parameters (current, voltage, date and time, alarm, temperature) you can use Sirius Config
for calibrating. For more information contact your Reseller.
Module Port
&com number