“Kid-Man” is legitimate trademark of “Kasko Group” Ltd. All rights reserved. ©2022 “Kasko Group” Ltd.
A.Vivulskio 12D, Vilnius, Lithuania | Tel. +370 5 216 74 25 | www.kid-man.com | [email protected]
Do not attempt to lift the wheelchair by any removable parts. Lifting by removable parts of the
wheelchair may result in injury to the user or damage to the wheelchair.
Do not attempt to move up or down an incline with a water, ice or oil flm.
Do not attempt to ride over curbs or obstacles. Doing so may cause your wheelchair to tip over and
cause bodily harm to you or damage to the wheelchair
Never leave an unoccupied wheelchair on an incline or other place which may cause injury to surrounded
people or things.
Do not attempt to stop the wheelchair while on a sloped surface.