“Kid-Man” is legitimate trademark of “Kasko Group” Ltd. All rights reserved. ©2022 “Kasko Group” Ltd.
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Transfer can be performed alone, assuming you are strong enough. Firstly, set the wheelchair
as close to the place, which you want to sit on, as possible, whereby the steering wheels point
forward. Activate the fxing brake and move your body towards the desired place. If there is no
support beneath you while moving, please use a board if possible. Fold the legrest up and put
them aside to make room. Bend your body forward, while leaning on the two armrests, and stand
up. Then move your body toward the place, where you want to sit, while distributing your weight
to your arms and hands.
If you are capable of getting up and standing on your own, you may change seats by leaning
forward. If you have trouble with this movement, we advise you to seek assistance from an
accompanying person to ensure an easy and safe transfer. Firstly, engage both brakes and make
sure both steering wheels point towards the front.
Please bear in mind that you must not support yourself on the brakes. Grab the handle of the
armrest frmly and support yourself on your arms, to stand up easily (before, make sure armerest
are securely locked in place). The assistant may help you complete the transfer. Position yourself
as close to the desired place as possible. When changing your position, please sit as far back as
possible, to prevent screws from breaking, seat cushions from getting damaged, or the wheelchair
from tipping over. Activate the two brakes; these brakes should in no way be used as support for
the transfer. You must never support yourself on the footrests, while sitting or getting up.
We suggest seeking help from two people, one in front of the wheelchair and one behind it, due
to the fact that hurdling stairs is more difcult and dangerous. The person behind the wheelchair,
tips the wheelchair backwards until it is balanced. Then, pushes the wheelchair against the
frst step, grabbing the handle frmly, to prepare to lift the wheelchair. The person in front of
the wheelchair grabs the sides of the frame in the front of the wheelchair and lifts the chair
over the steps, while the other accompanying person steps on the next step, repeating the frst
process. Do not lower the wheelchair until you hurdled the last step of the person in front of the
wheelchair. Carrying a wheelchair down the stairs is the same process as explained previously,
in reversed order.(Nr. 6)
Nr. 6