Restore power to ceiling fan and test for proper operation (Fig. 31)
1. Fan Control: To start the fan. Press the selected speed button to run the fan at the
desired speed: Hi-high speed; MED-medium speed; LOW-low speed; Press the "FAN
OFF" button to turn off the fan.
2. Light button: Press once to turn the light on or off. Continuous pressure on the light
button dims light in a continuous cycle from light to dark, or dark to light.
3. REV button: Controls direction, forward or reverse.
4. If your ceiling fan has fluorescent lighting, please slide the switch to “O” position. If
the ceiling fan has incandescent or halogen lighting or LED, please slide the switch to
“D” position.
Step 1.
After installation is complete, press the LEARN button for 3 seconds within 30
seconds once AC power is turned on. Fan will turn on at medium speed and light (if installed)
will turn on. This confirms that the SMART SYNC setting is active and ok. (Fig. 31
Step 2.
If you cannot finish the setting within the 30 seconds time frame, the main power
must be turned off and re-started again. This will repeat step 1 until the LEARN feature is
activated as indicated.
Fig. 31