Figure 4-7-5 PS2 handle function button
Logo UP: Advance
Logo DOWN: Back
Logo LEFT: Turn left
Logo RIGHT: Turn right
Logo A: Acceleration
Logo B: Left spin
Logo C: Deceleration
Mark D: right spin
Mark 3: Control the front of the robot arm to grab the servo and open. (manipulator arm is optional)
Mark 4: Control the front of the robot arm to grab the servo and close. (manipulator arm is optional)
Joystick Left: Control the left and right rotation of the base of the robot arm (the arm is optional), 0-89
degrees or 270-360 degrees to control the bottom steering right turn, 90-269 degrees to control the bottom
steering left turn.
Joystick Right: control the left and right steering of the robot arm (the arm is optional), 44-135 degrees to
control the right steering right turn, 224-315 degrees to control the right steering left turn, 136-223 degrees
to control the left rudder Turn left, 0-43 degrees or 315-360 degrees to control the left steering right turn.