Programming Examples
Series N8700 User’s Guide
' Set the over voltage level
.WriteString "VOLT:PROT:LEV " & Str$(overVoltSetting)
' Turn on over current protection
.WriteString "CURR:PROT:STAT " & Str$(overCurrOn)
' Set the current level
.WriteString "CURR " & Str$(CurrSetting)
' Turn the output on
.WriteString "OUTP ON"
' Make sure that the output is on before continuing
.WriteString "*OPC?"
' Measure the voltage
.WriteString "Meas:Volt?"
measVolt = .ReadNumber
MsgBox "Measured Voltage is " & Str$(measVolt)
' Check instrument for any errors
.WriteString "Syst:err?"
ErrString = .ReadString
' give message if there is an error
If Val(ErrString) Then
MsgBox "Error in instrument!" & vbCrLf & ErrString
End If
End With
End Sub