Example - Identifying the P9391A
Connecting the P939xA Instrument USB
Two steps are required before connecting the P939xA instrument USB. The
computer or PXIe embedded controller must have two items installed:
1. Keysight IO Library Suite 2019 or newer
2. Keysight M940s_Setup-1.0.474.0.exe or newer instrument driver
In this example, we have the M9019A PXIe Chassis controller M9037A.
Open the Keysight Connection Expert application. The P9391A shows up
as Chassis 5 with model number P6002A. Each chassis has its own unique
serial number. Slot information shows that the P9391A has two slots. Each
slot has its own SFP and can only be accessed through the
P939x USB Streamline Custom P939x SFP application
located under the
Front Panel Windows icon (see Figure 1
If your system has more than one P939
A connected, the button
"Identify Chassis" will flash the power button on the front panel.
The P9390A is indicated by the model number P6001A.
Keysight P939xA Streamline Customs User's Guide