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Gain compression measurements (S97086A)
P937xA Series
P500xA Series
The gain compression application (GCA) provides input power, output power, gain, and phase at the
compression point of an amplifier over a specified frequency range. GCA’s SMART Sweep is very fast
and easy-to-use. GCA also includes a guided calibration that corrects for absolute power levels,
frequency response, and mismatch errors.
Spectrum analysis (S97090A)
P937xA Series
P500xA Series
The spectrum analyzer (SA) application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to USB
VNAs. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application
provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Simultaneous spectrum measurements
can be done using test and reference receivers. This multi-channel SA can be used with the internal
swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and
frequency converters. The SA application employs source-power and receiver-response calibration as
well as fixture de-embedding, providing in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements with the highest
level of accuracy. Optional external attenuators should be connected with the VNA’s test ports to avoid
receiver compression when measuring large signals.
The S97090A software requires option 090 spectrum analysis hardware.
Multiport calibrated measurements (S97551A)
P937xA Series
P500xA Series
Keysight USB VNA offers a capability to extend the number of ports for your measurements by using up
to two instruments. When multiple instruments are used, they are configured for multiport operation. The
instruments may be identified by the firmware as one VNA by an external PC. At least one VNA
instrument connected to your PC must have one S97551A license to maintain N-port capabilities with
multiple instruments. The frequency of the multiport array is determined by the lowest frequency
instrument configured in the array. For example, a 4-port analyzer configuration using a P5000A (4.5
GHz) and a P5004A (20 GHz) would have a maximum frequency of 4.5 GHz when performing 4-port
measurements. This behavior extends to other measurement application software (S97xxxA). In a
multiport configuration, only one instrument must have a valid license for these capabilities to function in
multiport mode.
Each instrument is connected into the array with Keysight cables. A Y1701A Multiple USB instruments
configuration kit should be ordered for connection of two P937xA (with Y1701A-001) or two P500xA
instruments (with Y1701A-002). A single Y1281A accessory and tool kit should be ordered for easier
cable connections.
The P937xA and P500xA can not be combined to configure multiport VNAs due to hardware difference.