Keysight N5990A-301 PCI Express Link Training Suite User Guide
Using the Software
DUT Type
PCIe Physical Parameters
Lane Number
Encoding Lane Number
on the main window.
The “Link Number” is the number of the link encoded in the
TS1/TS2 Training Ordered Sets.
For “Link EQ”, there are three options:
Bypass: No equalization training is done and the equalization
preset selected from “PCIe Physical Parameters” is used for the
whole link training and later in loop-back mode.
Preset Only: Only presets P0 to P9 can be requested from the DUT
during equalization training.
Full: Any combination of pre-shoot and de-emphasis can be
requested by the DUT during equalization training,
The Speed Change Control specifies whether the speed change to
Gen3 (that is, 8 Gbps), or Gen4 (that is, 16 Gbps), will be initiated
by the DUT or by the BERT during link training. It is only used when
the BERT operates as a downstream device. If not specified, DUT
will initiate the speed change and will also request the BERT for the
same. This option is only used when the DUT type is System Board
The “Generator Start Preset” is the start preset for the link training
in the M8020A output. On the main window, select
PCIe Physical Parameters.