Accessory Details
Accessory Details
Below is information regarding some of the accessories in the N2879A Fine Pitch
Accessory Kit.
Replacing Rigid/Solid Probe Tips and Spring-
Loaded Probe Tips
These solid tips and spring-loaded tips are replaceable. To change the probe tip,
use pliers to grip the tip and pull it straight out of its contact socket along the
axis of the probe. Do not grip the plastic insulator or the housing with the pliers
because the tip could be crushed (see images below). This could result in being
unable to remove the tip and/or damaging the probe. Once the probe tip is
removed, the new tip can be inserted with pliers into the contact socket along
the axis of the probe. In order to insert the probe tip completely into the housing,
carefully press the probe tip against a hard surface.
W a r n i n g
Exercise caution when using these sharp probe tips to avoid personal injury.
Spring loaded probe tips offer a method of probing signals that is less susceptible
to vibration or movement than traditional rigid tips. Many users find it easier to
use this type of tip. The spring loaded tips work when they are either partially or
fully compressed and are protected against over compression damage.