Operating Instruction
Keysight 849x and 1158x Operating and Service Manual
Operating Instruction
Operator’s check
The operator's check is supplied to allow the operator to make a quick check of
the attenuators prior to use or if a failure is suspected.
Using oscillator and SWR meter
The attenuator is driven from a 50-ohm signal source at 1 kHz. The output level
from the attenuator is detected by a narrow-bandwidth voltmeter (that is, the
SWR meter). A reference level is set up on the detector using a through
connection in place of the attenuator. The attenuator is then inserted and the
change in the detector level is noted. This checks the low frequency accuracy of
the attenuator.
Quick-check procedure
Connect the equipment as shown in the
except remove the attenuator
and connect the adapters directly together.
Figure 1
Equipment setup using oscillator and SWR meter
Set the test oscillator to 0.3 Vrms at 1 kHz.
The SWR meter used in this check is calibrated for a square-law detector and
therefore the range changes and errors (read in dB) are twice that indicated by
the meter.