For the finger print reader option you could present your finger for the authorization.
In this case there is possibility to set up different access level for the different fingers. For
example for the first (if you’re a manager and have access to all the doors) for the first
finger you could set up the full access to the system and for the second finger you could
set up only your room key. In this case you could use the second finger for everyday use
and the first one in case of emergency.
In case you are allowed to get single key. The system will unlock the door and light up
and unlock the cell with your key.
In case you are allowed to take several keys to you will get a menu with only your key
list. You could check the status of keys (In, Out, Blocked, Wrong time to get)
You can choose one or several keys and press Remove button. System will open the
door and show you location and unlock the cells of the keys.
To make things easy there are some options you could use.
Filter – Remove from the list all the keys which is Out, blocked or prohibited to
take by time. You will see only available and allowed for you to take keys.
Find – You could search you key in a list. You could enter the name of the key or
key number. In case you found list of keys you could choose one or several key
and press remove button or get back to the main screen to continue.