Mixing valve shift duration [cn--]
– the parameter defines the time necessary for mo-
ving the mixing valve between the side positions when the continuous control pulse is
on. When the value of the parameter is different from ”--”, the controller starts to count
the control pulses duration. When the actuator is activated long enough into one of the
directions, the controller will recognize that the mixing valve has achieved full (depen-
ding on the operation direction) opening or closing. Then, the valve control is stopped
until the need of change of the work direction occurs. The function aims to reduce the
quantity of unnecessary activations of relays controlling the mixing valve actuator ope-
ration. Setting the parameter to the value ”--” disables the function.
4.4 Averaged measurement of the outside temperature.
The unit UMP-4PS records a change in the outside temperature every ten minutes.
Each measurement is stored in the unit memory for 24 hours. The saved measure-
ments might be used when calculating the average outside temperature.
Quantity of measurements used to calculate the average outside temperature [n-
the parameter determines on how many recent measurements the average outsi-
de temperature will be calculated. The value received this way helps to determine the
level of the programmed installation water temperature based upon the weather chara-
cteristics. Changing the parameter to [n---] results in the current outside temperature
which is used to calculate the programmed installation water temperature.
The memory containing the outside temperature measurements is erased
when turning off the power. If the device has been working for less than 24 hours, then
the average outside temperature will be calculated on the basis of the available data.
4.5 Correction of the outside temperature sensor indications.
The correction ratio of the outside temperature sensor [o 0]
– long connecting
wires as well as overload by units connected parallelly might be a cause of faulty
results when measuring the outside temperature. The parameter enables to correct an
error. Transition of correction rate by 1 corresponds to a change of indication by circa
4.6 Producer’s default settings.
The regulator enables the user to restore the default settings programmed by the
producer by selecting [Prod] on display unit and pressing the OK button. After
activating the option, the regulator enters the values of respective parameters given in
tables 1 and 3.
4.7 Output testing.
In order to verify the accurate functioning of the regulator, it is possible to test output
setup controlling the central heating pump and mixing valve servomotor. Selecting
[outc] on the display allows, using the OK button, to turn on closing the mixing valve,
choosing [outo] with OK button turns on opening the mixing valve, choosing [outP] by
pressing OK, turns on the central heating pump.