521 East 3
Street Mt. Vernon, NY 10553 • www.keydigital.com
Rev 1.0
– Nov, 2020
USB Commands
KD-EXWPSTX allows control over serial interface for bi-directional communication.
Serial interface is accessed using the USB Service port
Connection Protocol
Baud Rate = 115,200 bits per second as default
Data Bits = 8
Stop Bits = 1
Parity = None
Flow Control = None
Carriage Return = Required at end of each string
Commands are not case-sensitive
Spaces are shown for clarity; commands should NOT have any spaces
After a new command is received, a prompt should be sent back
Help Command (H). Returns entire API in readable format:
-- Key Digital Systems HELP --
-- KD-EXWPSTX F/W Version : 1.00 --
-- --
-- H : Help --
-- STA : Show Global System Status --
-- --
-- Video Output Setup Commands: yy = [01-02,U,D] --
-- SPO SI yy : Set Output to Video Input yy --
-- SPO01 SI yy : Set Output to Video Input yy --
-- SPO ON/OFF : Set Output ON/OFF --
-- SPO DBG ON/OFF : Set Output Debug Mode ON/OFF --
-- EDID Setup, xx = [01-02,A], yy = [01], zz = [01-15] (A=All) --