BIT 4886 051010
The following statistics are a guide as to when a MEMORY PACK will occur.
• Save area - Approximately 300 *SAV operations can be completed before a PACK will
occur automatically.
• Variable area - around 30 updates can be completed prior to an automatic PACK occur-
ring. Variable areas also include serial number updates and password updates.
• Calibration - 16 calibrations can be saved before a PACK is required.
If the memory is over 80% full, the user can also initiate packing by sending the command MEM-
ORY:PACK. Issuing a MEMORY:PACK command if the memory is less than 80% full will have
no effect. Because this command may take a long time to complete, it is recommended that the
user send MEMORY:PACK;*OPC?. The computer can then perform serial polls to wait for the
command to complete. The command will be complete when the serial poll byte indicates there
is data in the output buffer. (bit 4 set in the returned status byte).
(xx =hex values from 00
to FF)
Allows both current protect and current limit functionality.
Bit 7 - when set will establish a fixed Current Limit level when output is ON.
Bit 6 - when set enables the current protection error logic.
Bit 5 - when set enables Current Protect error bit in ESR/ESE register
Bit 4 - when set causes the power up and reset state of the ESE register to
be as follows: ESE - 72 if bit 5 set, 8 if not set.
Bit 3 - when set allows a current protect error to create an error message of
“303 - Current above Protection limit.”
Bit 2 - when set causes a current protect error to set the output to off.
Bit 1 - when sets allows a current measurement in current mode to generate
a “Device Error” message.
Bit 0 - when set enables a current measurement error in current mode to
shut down unit.
The query provides one byte which indicates the current limit setting.
(xx =hex values from 00
to FF)
Allows voltage protect and voltage limit functionality.
Bit 7 - when set establishes a fixed Voltage Limit level when output is ON.
Bit 6 - when set enables the voltage protection error logic.
Bit 3 - when set allows a voltage protect error to create an error message of
“304 - Voltage above Protection limit”
Bit 2 - when set causes a voltage protect error to set the output to off.
Bit 1 - when set allows a voltage measurement error in voltage mode to
generate a “Device Error” message.
Bit 0 - when set allows voltage “device error” message (see bit 1) to set the
output to off.
The query provides one byte which indicates the voltage limit setting.
(xx = decimal value)
DIAG:OFFLimit:CURR? The decimal value allows the user to establish the actual current limit DAC (digi-
tal to analog converter) setting when the output is off and the unit is in voltage
mode. This variable is only used when bit 4 of the DIAG:OUTP register is set.
The value is calculated using the equation:
Current expected /(Current max * 1.1) * 256.
The DVS standard setting is 128 derived from (1.1 / 2.2) * 256.
The query provides one byte which indicates the actual DAC current limit setting.