BIT 4886 051010
Short Form: LIST:VOLT[:LEV] <exp_value>, <exp_value>, . . . (to max of 1002 data points)
Long Form: LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel] <exp_value>, <exp_value>, . . . (to max of 1002 data points)
<exp_value> = digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E1 for 27.1
Adds the voltage value (in Volts) to list.
This command sequentially adds LIST:VOLTage values to
the main channel List Data Table locations illustrated in Table B-2. LIST:CLE sets starting location to 0.
Next location indicated by LIST:VOLT:POIN? These locations correspond to the default sequence
(LIST:GEN DESQ) The maximum number of entries is 1002.
Since the input buffer of the BIT 4886
has a limit of 253 characters, multiple commands are necessary to complete the full 1002 entries of
the list. If LIST:CURR has any entries, an error message: -221,"Settings conflict" is posted in the error
queue. Related Commands: LIST:VOLT:POIN?, FUNC:MODE, LIST:CLE, *RST. (See example, Fig-
ures B-2 and B-3.)
Short Form: LIST:VOLT?
Long Form: LIST:VOLTage?
Return Value: <value1>, <value2>, . . . to <value16>
Identifies the parameters (main channel) entered for the list.
Starting at location established by
LIST:QUERy, returns comma-separated list of up to 16 values indicating the main channel parameters
entered. i.e., the contents of the main channel locations of Table B-2. Related Commands: LIST:
VOLT, LIST:QUERy. If LIST:CURR has any entries, an error message: -221,"Settings conflict" is
posted in the error queue. (See example, Figure B-3.)
Short Form: LIST:VOLT:POIN? Long Form: LIST:VOLTage:POINts?
Return Value: <value> (0 to 1001)
Identifies the total number of points in a list and the next location to be filled by LIST:VOLT
The LIST:VOLT pointer is initially at 0 via *RST or LIST:CLE. For each data point entered
by a LIST:VOLT command the list pointer is incremented If LIST:VOLT:POIN? returns 5, the
LIST:VOLT pointer is at 5 indicating there are 5 data points comprising the list (locations 0 though 4)
and location 5 is the next to be filled. If LIST:CURR has any entries, an error message: -221,"Settings
conflict" is posted in the error queue. Related Commands: LIST:VOLT. (See example, Figure B-3.)
B.48 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] COMMAND
Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV][:IMM][:AMP] <exp_value>
Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] <exp_value>
<exp_value> = digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E1 for 27.1
Sets programmed current level at power supply output.
This command programs output current to
a specific value; actual output current will depend on load conditions. If CURR:RANG is set to 4, any
data that exceeds 1/4 of I
causes error message -222 “data out range” to be posted to the error
queue (See example, Figure B-4.)
B.49 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] QUERY
Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV][:IMM][:AMP]? MIN, MAX
Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude]? MIN, MAX
Return Value:
<exp_value> = digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E1 for 27.1
Returns either the programmed value, maximum value, or minimum value of current.
CURR? query returns the programmed value of current. Actual output current will depend on load con-
ditions. The CURR?MAX query returns the maximum current allowed for a particular model. CURR?
MIN returns minimum current allowed for power supply (always negative).
Related Commands:
CURR. (See example, Figure B-4.)