KharkovEnergoPribor Ltd. | KEP Ltd.
+380 57 393 1069
www.kep.ua | [email protected]
At higher frequencies, the range of search is greater in dry or frozen
soil, and interferences of power signals and adjacent utilities are
lower. Moreover, signal losses caused by insulated joints are much
lower. At the same time, the Transmitter induces much noise to
adjacent utilities, and this may result in false trails.
You may locate the utilities and damaged insulation without
Transmitter at the operating frequencies as follows:
«50Hz» - according to power cable signals (main frequency or
«100Hz», «300Hz» - according to electrochemical protection
«AIR», «RADIO» - according to telephone and/or broadcasting
This method may cause false trails since the tracing of the utility may
be complicated by branching, and direction of the target utility may
not be detected by “own signal”. The operator shall have
corresponding qualification and practical skills for this method.
Peak, null and current direction modes.
The Tracer contains four magnetic antennas. The Tracer shall be
arranged vertically (see Figures 5 and 9
). The «broad peak» tracing
requires a lower horizontal antenna only; two horizontal antennas
operate during «sharp peak» tracing; one lower horizontal and one
vertical antennas operate for tracing in the null mode.
The COMPASS mode requires all 4 antennas of the Tracer. Peak mode
The Tracer
is equipped with sharp peak («
») and broad peak
») functions, which facilitate high accuracy of tracing depending
on the depth and density of
utilities in the target zone.
In Figure 5 shows the relationship between the signal level and
antenna displacement from the utility.