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Summary of Contents for Proofings W5

Page 1: ... X N DA T H R E E 卩R口口F N日Ξ Ⅵ User Manual κ E XINDA TECHN0L0GY C0 LTD ...

Page 2: ...onteⅡ ts safety hforln耐 l1 3 Appearance and Key Func伍 on 7 腼 ducdon 9 Call Fm1cuons 11 N 伍 ncauons B 12 Contacts 13 Mcssaging 14 B1uctooth and硒Iiˉ Fi 15 Down1oad 16 Intemet 17 P1ay store 18 Calnera 19 Gallery 20 ...

Page 3: ... P1ease obscrvc all transportation1a vs orregu1ations scttings 26 P1ease drivc with both hands on the vhcc1 M缸ntenancc and scrvicc 27 PLEAsE DRIVE REsPoNsEBLYˉ Do NoT TEXTAND DRIVE HospitaI safety P1ease fo11ow hospita1rulers and1ilnitations Plcase turn offyourFnobile phone vhen ncarrnedica1instrumcnts Airport safety Remembcrto fo11ow a11airport and night safcty rcgu1ations P1casc do not use your ...

Page 4: water and liquids ˉ The opti1nun1performance of a ne v battery is typica11y achieved aftcr EmergeⅡ cy CaⅡs two orthrcc comp1cte chargc cyc1cs Makc sure your1nobi1c phonc is switchcd on and in a scrVicc area In Note Kccp in1nind that continuous overcharging vi11affcct1ong tcrm home screen tap thc phonc kcy and dia1 battcry1ife the cmcrgency number Whi1e charging keep the1nobi1c phonc Outthe reao...

Page 5: ...rgcr comcs in contact Vith thc watcr or any liquids in11nediatc1y unp1ug it from thc out1et to rcducc thc risk of ovcrhcating chargcr1na1function electric shock or nrc WarmiⅡ g P1ease be careful with the disposa1ofused battcries Do not throw a vay the batteries vith daily wastc Please fo11ow 1oca1 cnvironment1aWs and guide1incs for proper vastc disposa1 ˉ Front Camcra Volume Photo Key Back Home To...

Page 6: ...its contact arc casi1y damagcd duc to scratohing or bcnding P1easc use oaution vhen carrying insta11ing ortaking outthc sIM card NB P1casc contaCt your cc11u1ar phone service provider direct1y to obtain your sIM card To inscrt sIM oard 1 Remove the rear cover Insert the sIM Gard 2Inscrt thc sD card For additiona1storagc capacity M 囗 岣 ...

Page 7: ...p promptto switch offthc phoⅡ c security You may sct a security 1ock feature as a sccurity measurc for the phone FOr furthcr information regarding passwOrd1ocks passwOrd revision and othcr functions p1easc cnter into the security potion in system scttings At the dia1keyboard cnter thc phone numbcr a 1d thcn c1ick thc dia1key CalⅡ Iogs Every tc1cphonc numbcr caI1ed and reccivcd vi11 be savcd in thc...

Page 8: ...iⅡgs The settings window provides shortcuts to diffcrcnt phonc settings for quick access CⅡck on any of thc shortcut n tincati n icons to power on ofE card For additiona1 storagc Gapacity CoⅡ tacts Chck on the applications1nenu and select peop1e Thc dcfault disp1ay is the phonc contacts the Contacts are 1istcd alphab0伍oo11y by defau1t seIect any contaCt the dia1ing options wi11be shown Chok the ad...

Page 9: ...uctooth and sc1ectto powcr on Bluctooth Γ hc B1uctooth icon wi1I appear in thc notincati n bar then it wi11 start to scan for a11 dcviccs vithin its rangc and vi11 display a11 avaiIablc dcvices in a Ⅱ st POweroⅡ WiˉFi settings wi冖 Fi and se1cct oN to pOwer on win cⅡ ck n thc desired Wi Fi network to be conncctcd Bluetooth 0 qwert asdf z c Ⅱ yu I p jk nm臼 0创 a N硕 e3 魅 i丨 i 丨 ii nα e encen xiao ...

Page 10: ...t you are searching fo IⅡ terⅡ et Before you browser something ensure that you are Connected with internet Once itis ok then you can do the searching Ⅱ c σ mOfR Nax oookm ω Ⅱ Blq sgWdpmB Fncebo k口 TW ltef 丘 曰 lCkf ooog e FM W帜 lped洄 0Vahoo 曰 Ama Ebay 查ˇ outube 哂 B B c 呻 M s N 啷 M 眦 舰 ...

Page 11: ...ct1y to your device TO access the Goog1eP1ay store c1ick on the app1icationslnenu and thcn thc P1ay storc Icon CaⅡ1era pen Camcra you may p1ace a camcraˉ shortcut icon on any of the scrcens akejictwcs Aim thc o1冫jCctthatthc picturc wⅡ 1be taken 9臀 霆 刚 翻 皿 ˉ Ⅰ瑟 击 蕊 w逦 喂饯恕 口 臼 ...

Page 12: ...pphcation Mcnu Gallery Pictures arc storcd in scparatc aIbums RlusiC Ⅱ pcn Music Apphcation Mcnu Music i lusiC is sortcd by diffcrcnt filcs such as Artists Albums songs I1aylists choosc onc ofthe songs c1ick it it wi11play ...

Page 13: ...tion CⅡ ck to scan FM Channels automatica11y then c1ick to add any of your favorite radio stations sound Recorder an antcnna in connect the order to original pen sound Reoorder App1ication l匹 cnu Too1s sound Rccordcr Recording Kccp tho phonc t microphonc nearthe sound sourcc CⅡck thc record button to reoord thc audio C1ick the stop button to stop recording the audio 蝉 Fˇ 脚 呻 0 Ⅱ 9 Ⅱ 撺 唧 ...

Page 14: ...pplication AV u 弋 2015 匚 心 26 27 28 2g 3θ 31 1 2θ 丨 5 7 9 10 1闸 12 冂 a 目 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 22 Ⅱ 23 24 2s zs 27 28 29 30 s1 1 2 3 4 s Alarm Cl ck ChCk on the CIock icon then click the alarnl tab to enter the aIarm clook set surface This option allows you to add and edit a1arms ...

Page 15: ...vice 1 Keep the equipment dry Rainwater 1noisture other 1iquids or moisture contents1nay contain minera1matters vhich may erode the e1ectronic wircs If the equipment is wcttcd p1ease take out the battery ti11the equipmentis tota11y dried and then putin thc battcry 2 Don t use or store the equipmcntin dusty or n1thy p1aces othcrwise the detachab1e parts and electronic e1ements1nay be damaged 3 Don ...

Page 16: ...substation ofthc ardent chemica1 dctergent or strong thc equipmcnt Painting may b1ock parts and thus affect the norma1 soft c1oth such as the camera lens damagcd onc lJnapprovcd antcnna a1teration or accessorics may rcsuItin damage ofthe equipment 11 P1cas0uscthe coargCrin indoor area 12 Back up data that shou1d be kept such as the address directory and calendar memorandum 13 P1casc turn off the c...
