Key press tone [A]
Sounds when a key is pressed. For toggle keys, sounds
when toggle function is turned on (key press tone [B] sounds
when it is turned off).
Key press tone [B]
Sounds when a key is pressed. For toggle keys, sounds
when the toggle function is turned off (key press tone [A] sounds
when it is turned on).
Key press tone [C]
Sounds when a key is pressed. Also sounds when storing
data, adding a DTMF code to memory, and when changing
test mode settings.
Key input error tone
Sounds when a key is pressed but that key cannot be used.
Roll over tone
Sounds at the smallest group/channel.
Transpond tone
Sounds when an individual call with the correct DTMF/2-
tone option signalling is received. For group calls, only the
group tone will sound, not the transpond tone.
Pre alert tone
Sounds prior to the TOT TX inhibit activation. If TOT pre
alert is set, the tone sounds at the amount of time programmed,
before the TOT expires (TOT time–TOT pre alert time = Pre
alert tone sounding time).