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Cassette player features
(See page 6)
Sw it ching Tape Types
Select type of tape being played.
Sw itching Tape Types:
Press the M TL button to sw itch the M TL indicator on and off
and to select the tape type.
Turn the M TL indicator off for normal tape (Type I) playback.
Turn the M TL indicator on for the follow ing tape types:
(Type II) FeCr (Type III) M etal (Type IV)
Selecting the w rong tape type may cause sound quality to
Function of the KRC-659R
Tape A dvance Funct ion
Rew inds to the beginning of the current track (or fast
forw ards to the beginning of the next track), continuing tape
Rew inding tape to the beginning of current track:
Press the
button, and the tape w ill rew ind to the beginning
of the current track and automatically start playing again.
To advance to the beginning of the next track:
Press the
button, and the tape w ill advance to the
beginning of the new track and automatically start playing
The tape advance function "know s" w here a track begins by
detecting the blank space preceding it (i.e., the space betw een
tracks). How ever, w hen the blank space lasts for less than 4
seconds or contains noise, this function may not operate
correctly. Furthermore, sections recorded at low levels may
trigger the function if they last for 4 seconds or more.
M usic Repeat Funct ion
Repeatedly plays the current track.
Turning M usic Repeat Function On/ Off:
Press the REP button to sw itch the music repeat function on
and off.
Cancelling M usic Repeat Function:
Press either the REP or PROG button.
The music repeat function "know s" w here a track begins by
detecting the blank space preceding it (i.e., the space betw een
tracks). How ever, w hen the blank space lasts for less than 4
seconds or contains noise, this function may not operate
correctly. Furthermore, sections recorded at low levels may
trigger the function if they last for 4 seconds or more.
Sw it ching D isplay f or Tape
Sw itching the Display:
Each time you press the DISP button, the display sw itches
betw een the mode display and Clock.
When the sw itching clock display (P.31) is set to off, the display
w ill not sw itch to the clock display.
indicator lights w hilst the clock is displayed.
U sing D olby B N R (N oise Reduct ion)
Listen to tapes recorded using the Dolby B NR system.
Turning Dolby NR On/ Off:
Press the B NR button to sw itch Dolby B NR on and off.
The Dolby B NR indicator lights up w hen Dolby B NR is turned
Dolby noise reduction manufactured under license from Dolby
Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
” DOLBY” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby
Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
Function of the KRC-659R