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Listen to tapes recorded using Dolby B NR.
Turning Dolby B Noise Reduction On/ Off:
Press the B NR button to sw itch Dolby B NR on and off.
The B NR indicator lights up w hen it is turned on.
U sing D olby B N oise Reduct ion
Fast Forw arding Tapes:
Press the FM button.
Rew inding Tapes:
Press the AM button.
Press the
Normal tape play w ill begin.
Fast Forw arding and Rew inding Casset t e Tapes
• When the faceplate has been dropped open, it might interfere
w ith the shift lever or something else. If this happens, pay
attention to safety and move the shift lever or take an
appropriate action, then operate the unit.
• Do not apply excessive force to the open faceplate or place
objects on it. Doing so w ill cause damage or breakdow n.
• Do not use the unit w ith the faceplate in the open condition.
Doing so w ill cause breakdow n.
Remove a cassette from the unit w hen not listening to it for a
w hile. If you leave it in the unit too long, the tape may stick to
the tape head and cause the unit to malfunction.
Select type of tape being played.
Sw itching Tape Types:
Press the M ETAL (M etal) button to sw itch the metal tape
indicator on and off and to select the tape type.
Turn the M TL indicator off for normal tape (Type I) playback.
Turn the M TL indicator on for the follow ing tape types:
(Type II) FeCr (Type III) M etal (Type IV)
Selecting the w rong tape type may cause sound quality to
Sw it ching Tape Types
Sw itching the Tape display :
Each time you press the DISP button, the display during tape
play sw itches as follow s:
The tape counter is not exact, but only represents an
approximation of the elapsed time.
Play side/Tape counter
Tape count er display