www.kenall.com | P: 800-4-Kenall | F: 262-891-9701 | 10200 55th Street Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144, USA
This product complies with the Buy American Act: manufactured in the United States with more than 50% of the component cost of US origin. It may be covered by patents
found at www.kenall.com/patents. Content of specification sheets is subject to change; please consult www.kenall.com for current product details. ©2019 Kenall Mfg.Co.
MSL & MSLD Rough-In Install
1. Remove appropriate K.O. s.
2. Mount (rough-in) housing to a frame or structural by using the side brackets (see Figure1 for MSL and Figure 2 for MSLD).
3. IMPORTANT NOTE: Orientation of (rough-in) housing must be per either figure below.
4. Adjust brackets if required. The (rough-in) housing front edge is to be flush with the finished wall surface,
5. Applicable mounting hardware by others.
Adjustment Screws (4)
Adjustment Brackets (2)
Housing Front Edge
Adjustment Brackets (2)
Adjustment Screws (4)
Housing Front Edge
For technical assistance, call 1-800-4KENALL (1-800-453-6255).
For warranty information visit www.kenall.com/Resources/Certified-Performance-Warranties