2.2 Positioning and location of the machine
Place the machine on a firm, dry and level surface. Where possible, do not allow dust or other
impurities to enter the machines cooling air flow.
Notes for positioning the machine
The surface inclination should not exceed 15 degrees.
Ensure the free circulation of the cooling air. There must be at least 20 cm of free space
around the machine for cooling air to circulate.
Protect the machine against heavy rain and direct sunshine.
The machine should not be operated in the rain as the protection class of the machine,
IP23S, allows for outside preserving and storage only.
Never use a wet welding machine.
When locating and siting the machine prior to and during operation, it is important to
ensure that the metal chassis of the machine does not come into contact with the welding circuit,
and/or surfaces so connected.
Never aim metallic grinding spray/sparks towards the equipment.
2.3 Distribution network
All regular electrical devices without special circuits generate harmonic currents into
distribution network. High rates of harmonic current may cause losses and disturbance to
some equipment.
Kempact 181A, 251R, 251A:
Equipment complying with IEC 61000-3-12
Kempact 253R, 253A:
This equipment complies with IEC 61000-3-12 provided that the short-circuit power Ssc
is greater than or equal to 2.7 MVA at the interface point between the user’s supply and
the public supply network. It is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment
to ensure, by consultation with the distribution network operator if necessary, that the
equipment is connected only to a supply with a short-circuit power Ssc greater than or equal
to 2.7 MVA.
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