Operating instructions CellaTemp PX 4x 5x 6x
7.3 Focussing
For correct temperature measurement, it is important that the pyrometer is correct-
ly focused on the target to be measured�
Pyrometer with through-lens sighting
When aiming the pyrometer with through-the-lens sighting to a target, both the tar-
geted object and the target marker (distinctly marked circled spot in the viewfinder)
must appear in sharp focus simultaneously�
Pyrometer with camera
The pyrometer models Typs PX xx AF xx /C features an integrated camera�
The video simplifies the optical alignment of the pyrometer and allows for continu-
ous observation of the measuring point�
To measure, the pyrometer must be aligned and focused so that the video image is
sharp (see chapter “Technical Data”)�
Pyrometer with laser sighting
The pyrometer models PX xx AF xx /L feature a laser spot light which can be
activated to facilitate instrument alignment to the target spot�
To activate the laser, press the MODE button on the rear panel for 2 seconds
For measuring, the pyrometer must be aligned and focused so that the pilot light is
shown as sharp and round light spot at the measuring distance�
Information on the laser output can be found in chapter 2�4
To protect the laser against overload, an overtemperature circuit is provided� At
temperatures above 60 °C, the laser switches off and can no longer be activated�
To check, whether the laser is activated, the parameter LED lights up�
In normal operation of the pyrometer, the laser is switched off� After activation, the
laser switches off again after 2 minutes� The operator must be familiar with the
pyrometer and the above safety guidelines�
The switched-on laser pilot light can have an influence on the measured
temperature� The influence depends on the type of device and the mea-
sured temperature�