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2400S-903-01 Rev. E / September 2011
Section 1: Introduction
Series 2400 SourceMeter® Quick Start Guide
Auto range
— Auto range is invalid while in the Pulse Mode.
Source delay
— In the DC Mode, source delay is the delay between the source and measure
actions. When the Pulse Mode is selected, source delay is replaced by pulse delay. Pulse delay is
the user set delay that occurs during the off-time portion of the pulse period.
Trigger delay
— In the DC Mode, trigger delay is a user set delay that occurs between the trigger
and source actions. In the Pulse Mode, trigger delay is not used.
Remote command programming
SCPI commands
SCPI commands that are used to select and configure the Pulse Mode are listed in Table 21
Programming example
The command sequence in Table 22 will output 5V pulses that have a 1msec pulse width.
Table 1-21
SCPI commands; select and configure Pulse Mode
Command *
Select Pulse Mode operation.
Set pulse width (in sec); <n> = 0.00015 to 0.005.
:SOURce:PULSe:DELay <n>
Set pulse delay (in sec); <n> = 0 to 9999.999.
:SENSe:xxx:NPLC <n>
Set pulse measurement speed; <n> = 0.004 to
:ARM:COUNt <n>
Set arm count; <n> = 1 to 2500 or INFinite.
:TRIGger:COUNt <n>
Set trigger count; <n> = 1 to 2500.
*:xxx = :VOLTage, :CURRent or :RESistance
Table 1-22
Command sequence for Pulse Mode example
Restore GPIB defaults (source V, measure I).
Select Pulse Mode.
Set pulse width to 1msec.
Set pulse delay to 1 sec.
Set source level to 5V.
Set pulse measure speed to 0.01 PLC.
Set pulse count to 20.
Trigger and acquire pulse reading strings.
*SourceMeter must be addressed to talk after sending :READ? to acquire pulse readings.