2400S-903-01 Rev. E / September 2011
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Series 2400 SourceMeter® Quick Start Guide
Section 1: Introduction
NOTE The five element data string is the GPIB default condition.
SCPI commands
SCPI commands to source-measure and measure only are provided in Table 6, and the
commands to measure ohms are provided in Table 7.
Programming examples
Source-measure example
— Table 8 shows a typical command sequence to source 10V and
measure current on the 10mA range.
Table 1-6
SCPI commands; source-measure and measure only
:SOURce:FUNCtion <name>
Select source function; <name> = VOLTage or CURRent.
:SOURce:xxx:MODE FIXed
Select fixed V or I sourcing mode.
:SOURce:xxx:RANGe <n>
Select measurement range for V or I source; <n> = range.
:SOURce:xxx:LEVel <n>
Set source amplitude; <n> = amplitude in volts or amps.
[:SENSe]:FUNCtion <name>
Select measure function; <name> = “VOLTage” or “CUR-
[:SENSe]:xxx:PROTection <n>
Set V or I compliance; <n> = compliance.
[:SENSe]:xxx:RANGe <n>
Select V or I measure range; <n> = range.
Enable or disable auto range; <b> = ON or OFF.
:OUTPut <b>
Turn output on or off; <b> = ON or OFF.
Trigger and acquire one data string.
1. For measure only, the following rules apply (Table 9 provides an example to measure I only):
To measure V only, you must source I. To measure I only, you must source V.
The source must be set to 0V or 0A.
When measuring V only, DO NOT use auto range.
When measuring V only, voltage compliance MUST be set higher than the voltage being measured.
2. :xxx = :VOLTage or :CURRent.
Table 1-7
SCPI commands; measure ohms
[:SENSe]:FUNCtion “RESistance”
Select ohms function.
[:SENSe]:RESistance:MODE <name>
Select ohms mode; <name> = AUTO or MANual*.
Enable/disable offset compensation.
[:SENSe]:RESistance:RANGe <n>
Select range for auto ohms; <n> = range.
Enable or disable auto range for auto ohms; <b> =
ON or OFF.
:OUTPut <b>
Turn output on or off; <b> = ON or OFF.
Trigger and acquire one data string.
*For manual ohms, you must configure the SourceMeter to source-measure. Table 11 provides a programming
example to measure ohms using the manual ohms method.