Supporting Software
DriverLINX software is supplied by Keithley with the PIO-32 Series
board. DriverLINX provides convenient interfaces to configure and set
I/O bits without register-level programming.
Most importantly, however, DriverLINX supports those programmers
who wish to create custom applications using Visual C/C++, Visual Basic,
or Delphi. DriverLINX accomplishes foreground and background tasks to
perform data acquisition. The software includes memory and data buffer
management, event triggering, extensive error checking, and context
sensitive online help.
More specifically, DriverLINX provides application developers a
standardized interface to over 100 services for creating foreground and
background tasks for the following:
Analog input and output
Digital input and output
Time and frequency measurement
Event counting
Pulse output
Period measurement
In addition to basic I/O support, DriverLINX also provides:
Built-in capabilities to handle memory and data buffer management
A selection of starting and stopping trigger events, including
pre-triggering, mid-point triggering and post-triggering protocols
Extensive error checking
Context-sensitive on-line help system