Setup and Installation
The Expansion Board Configuration for Keithley DAS-1800 Series dialog
in DriverLINX allows you to record the settings of your analog input
multiplexers and enable the expansion channels. Make sure that the
switch settings match the settings you define in DriverLINX. Refer to the
DriverLINX Appendix F: Configuration and Implementation Notes—
Keithley DAS-1800 manual.
After you have successfully installed the DAS-1800HC Series board in
your computer, start Windows.
Run “Learn DriverLINX”
from the DriverLINX program
group to tell DriverLINX how you configured your DAS-1800HC Series
board and to verify that everything is properly installed and configured.
2E8H to 2EFH
Serial port
2F8H to 2FFH
Serial port
300H to 31FH
Prototype card
320H to 32FH
Hard disk (XT)
370H to 377H
Floppy disk controller #2
378H to 37FH
Parallel printer
380H to 38FH
3A0H to 3AFH
3B0H to 3BBH
3BCH to 3BFH
Parallel printer
3C0H to 3CFH
3D0H to 3DFH
3E8H to 3EFH
Serial port
3F0H to 3F7H
Floppy disk controller #1
3F8H to 3FFH
Serial port
Table 3-1. I/O Address Map (000H to 3FFH) (cont.)
Address Range
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