In this section:
About this section ..................................................................... 7-1
Need different line frequency or voltage ................................... 7-1
Model 4200-SCS does not recognize switch matrix ................. 7-1
"A" model software does not run on "B" models ....................... 7-2
Matrix Ready and External Trigger lines .................................. 7-3
Switch matrix does not recognize my card ............................... 7-3
The internal web page of the instrument is not accessible ....... 7-3
Error when I try to close a channel ........................................... 7-4
Switch relays will not close ....................................................... 7-4
Save the present state of the instrument .................................. 7-5
Where can I get the LabVIEW driver? ...................................... 7-5
About this section
The purpose of this section is to help you find answer to the most common questions encountered
with the Models 707B and 708B. For additional FAQs, please see the "Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs)" section of the Models 707B and 708B Reference Manual.
Need different line frequency or voltage
I need to use a Model 707B or 708B at a different power line frequency or voltage. What do I
need to do?
The Model 707B or 708B only supports a line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. The line frequency is
automatically sensed and no user action is needed.
Model 4200-SCS does not recognize switch matrix
The Model 4200-SCS does not recognize the Model 707B or 708B. What do I do?
To work with the Model 4200-SCS, you must have DDC compatibility mode enabled and must
communicate through the GPIB.
Section 7
Troubleshooting FAQs