This section contains basic information on operating the
Model 1801 using the host Model 2001 Multimeter. For
more detailed information on operating the Model 2001
Multimeter, see the Model 2001 Operator’s Manual.
This section is organized as follows:
Preamplifier operation:
Covers enabling Model
1801 operation, preamplifier filtering, operating
restrictions, and summarizes IEEE-488 bus
Discusses DC and AC voltage
measurements, and 4-wire resistance and thermo-
couple temperature measurements.
Measurement considerations:
Explains a number
of considerations that may apply to Model 1801
Preamplifier operation
3.2.1 Power-up detection
The Model 2001 Multimeter automatically detects the
presence of the Model 1801 at power-on. The instrument
will indicate the presence of the Model 1801 by display-
ing the following message if the preamplifier is disabled:
Preamp OFF
If, however, the preamplifier is enabled at power-on, the
unit will display the following message:
Preamp ON
Whether the Model 1801 is enabled or disabled at power-
on depends on the programmed power-on setup:
GPIB defaults: Model 1801 always disabled.
Bench defaults: Model 1801 always enabled.
User setup: Model 1801 either enabled or disabled
depending on the state stored in the recalled setup.
See paragraph 3.2.5 for additional information on saving
and recalling setups. Paragraph 3.12.1 of the Model 2001
Operator’s Manual explains how to select the instrument
setup that goes into effect at power-on.
Note that you can query the instrument over the IEEE-488
bus to determine if the Model 1801 is present by using the
*OPT? query. If the preamplifier is present, the instru-
ment will return the following response:
Refer to paragraph 4.9 of the Model 2001 Multimeter
Operator’s Manual for more details on using the *OPT?