Hydraulic - CSH
DOC03668 Rev. G
1.0 Safety
1.1 General Safety
1.1.1 Intended Function and Expected Use: The KEITH
system is a winch system primarily intended to restage clean
out systems used in live floor trailers. The system is supplied as a kit primarily intended
for installation into mobile trailers or truck bodies. It is powered by either a hydraulic
motor or an electric motor. The basic system is controlled by a mechanically-actuated pull
valve or an electric push button. The system is compatible with options and accessories
to improve performance. For example, it can be electrically controlled by hardwired or
wireless remote.
1.1.2 Improper Use This equipment has been manufactured utilizing state-of-the-art technology in accordance
with acknowledged safety regulations. Nevertheless, dangerous situations could arise
from improper use, which could endanger life and limbs of personnel and cause damage
to the equipment and other assets. This equipment may only be used for its intended
purpose. It may only be operated in impeccable technical condition and in accordance
with the proper use and this user manual. Problems, which could affect safety, must
be resolved immediately. The manufacturer is not liable for any damage caused by
improper use or arbitrary modifications. The installation, commissioning, operation, and
maintenance instructions must be followed as outlined in this manual.
Personnel must not enter the danger zone(s) when the system is enabled. Specifically,
nobody should be inside, under, or behind the trailer in the unloading zone during
operation. Additionally, no one should be in a full or filling trailer. Lock-out and tag-out
procedures must be followed before accessing the drive area.
The hydraulic power source must not exceed the pressure and flow ratings. A relief valve
is installed for the CleenSweep
system, but a relief valve should be installed for the
overall system to ensure the maximum pressure is not exceeded. Control circuitry must not be altered or bypassed. Safeguards must not be altered or bypassed. The user and system designer must understand the characteristics and safe handling
requirements of the material that is being conveyed.
Bulk materials are by nature unstable and flowable. Avoid burial by avoiding contact with
the material.
1.1.3 Training Operators must read and understand this manual before operating or maintaining the
machine. Only qualified, trained personnel may execute commissioning, operation, and
maintenance of the system.