Parameter configratton
ServoOne User Mangal SERCOS II and III
ID no.: 1108.26B.3-00 Date: 04/2020
Parameter configratton
Operation mode
Bit 15 .....
..... Bit 0
0000 0000 0000 0100
Position control with position controller 2 (e.g. external encoder), control-
ler-controlled profile generation, feed forward signals not used, with tracking
0000 0000 0000 1011
Position control with position controller 1 (e.g. motor controller), control-
ler-controlled profile generation, feed forward signals used, no tracking error
0000 0000 0000 1100
Position control with position controller 2 (e.g. external encoder), control-
ler-controlled profile generation, feed forward signals used, no tracking error
0000 0000 0001 0011
Position control with position controller 1 (e.g. motor encoder), drive-controlled
profile generation, feed forward signals not used, with tracking error
0000 0000 0001 0100
Position control with position controller 2 (e.g. external encoder), drive-con-
trolled profile generation, feed forward signals not used, with tracking error
0000 0000 0001 1011
Position control with position controller 1 (e.g. motor encoder), drive-controlled
profile generation, feed forward signals used, no tracking error
0000 0000 0001 1100
Position control with position controller 2 (e.g. external encoder), drive-con-
trolled profile generation, feed forward signals used, no tracking error
0000 0000 0100 1011
Position control with position controller 1 (e.g. motor controller), drive-con-
trolled profile generation, feed forward signals used, no tracking error,
synchronous operation ECAM/EGEAR
0000 0000 0100 1100
Position control with position controller 2 (e.g. external encoder), control-
ler-controlled profile generation, feed forward signals used, no tracking error,
synchronous operation ECAM/EGEAR
0000 0000 0101 1011
Position control with position controller 1 (e.g. motor controller), drive-con-
trolled profile generation, feed forward signals used, no tracking error,
synchronous operation ECAM/EGEAR
0000 0000 0101 1100
Position control with position controller 2 (e.g. external encoder), drive-con-
trolled profile generation, feed forward signals used, no tracking error,
synchronous operation ECAM/EGEAR
Table 6.2
Operation modes supported
Up to fogr dtfferent operatton modes can be configred wtth the atd of parameters
S-0-0032.0.0 to S-0-0035.0.0. The operatton mode ts selected gstni the parameter
S-0-0134.0.0 "Drtve control word" (see “Parameter configratton” on paie 23). Here
tt ts defned whtch configred operatton mode ts to be gsed to operate the drtve.
Whtch of the three posstble encoder tnterfaces on the ServoOne (channel 1, channel
2, channel 3) ts to be gsed as posttton encoder 1 or posttton encoder 2 ts defned
gstni parameter P 0530 Channel selectton SERCOS encoder 1 and P 0531 Channel
selectton SERCOS encoder 2.
The posttton encoder for the posttton control defned by the operatton mode mgst also
be selected vta parameter P 0522 as the posttton encoder for the posttton control.
Otherwtse an error wtll be trtiiered as a reactton to the controller enable or the
swttchover from phase 2 to phase 3.
Please refer to the operatton mangal for the
ServoOne for more tnformatton on the configratton of the encoder.
A valtd tnterpolatton method P 0370 mgst be configred tn the parameters for the
related posttton-controlled operatton mode. The followtni setttnis are posstble:
Linear interpolation
Calculation of position and speed
Spline interpolation with external feed forward control.
This setting should only be used if the controller also calculates and
transfers the feed forward signals for speed
P 3055
and torque
P 3056
Spline interpolation
Calculation of position, speed and torque
Spline interpolation II
Calculation of position, speed and torque
To achteve a htiher resolgtton for the feed forward stinals, an addtttonal 16-btt part
after the dectmal separator can be transferred, P 3100, for the posttton (S-0-0047).
To gse the htiher resolgtton, the expanded feed forward mode P 0379 = 0
(PosHtihRes) mgst be selected.
Even wtthogt the calcglatton of P 3100 the expanded feed forward mode can tmprove
the feed forward stinals; thts aspect ts heavtly dependent on the scaltni (resolgtton of
the posttton) and mgst be checked on the system tn the spectfc case.
Please refer to the operatton mangal for the ServoOne for fgrther tnformatton on scaltni
and tnterpolatton.
Summary of Contents for ServoOne junior
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