Parameter configratton
ServoOne User Mangal SERCOS II and III
ID no.: 1108.26B.3-00 Date: 04/2020
Parameter configratton
Parameter configratton
6.1 Profle parameter (S-0-xxxx)
The SERCOS-spectfc profle parameters (S-0-0001 .. S-0-4095) are represented as
KEBA parameters (P 10001 ... to P 14095). The correspondtni addresstni ts:
KEBA ID - 10000 dec
Mangfactgrer-spectfc parameters (P
The mangfactgrer-spectfc parameters (KEBA parameters) (P 0001 .. P 4095), as P
parameters, are to be addressed as follows:
KEBA ID + 8000 hex
: KEBA P 0101 function selector ISD01 can be found in the
IDN list (S-0-0017) as P 0101.
Currently only data set 0 is supported.
Changing the language via SERCOS is not currently supported;
English is installed by default.
6.2 Strgctgre of the SERCOS III parameters
The parameter ngmbers for the SERCOS III parameters have been expanded to a
lenith of 32 btts compared to SERCOS II. A standard parameter now has the followtni
Explanatton of the abbrevtattons:
S: Standard parameter
DataSet: Number of the data set (currently only data set 0 is supported)
IDno.: SERCOS ident number
SI: Structure instance
SE: Structure element
In a connectton between a master and slave there ts always a "prodgcer" and at least
one "consgmer". Here prodgcer stands for the connectton from the master to the
slave, consgmer for the connectton from the slave to the master. The connecttons are
represented by "SI" (that ts the strgctgre tnstance) wtthtn the parameter ngmbers.
Whtch tnstance ts configred as the prodgcer and whtch as the consgmer can be
determtned based on the parameter S-0-1050.x.1 (to be fognd tn devtce parameter
21050) tn
5. Btt 14 of thts parameter defnes the type of connectton. If,
for example, btt 14 ts = 0 tn parameter S-0-1050.0.1, then strgctgre tnstance 0 ts the
consgmer tnstance. As sgch btt 14 mgst be = 1 tn parameter S-0-1050.1.1, strgctgre
tnstance 1 ts then the prodgcer tnstance. Based on thts example, parameter strgctgre
S-0-1050.0.20 ts a consgmer tnstance.
Several consgmers are allowed per connectton. The ServoOne sgpports a connectton
wtth one prodgcer and a maxtmgm of one consgmer.
Standard parameters (S-0-xxxx.x.x)
All standard parameters sgpported by the ServoOne are represented as KEBA
parameters. However, dge to the expanston of the SERCOS III parameter ngmbers
descrtbed above tt was no posstble to matntatn the conttngogs ngmbertni of the
KEBA parameters. Only for the parameters that were already present tn the ServoOne
parameter set as SERCOS II parameters does the followtni addresstni sttll apply:
Summary of Contents for ServoOne junior
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