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1 Introduction
The Programmers Guide provides the necessary information how to send UDP commands to your charging
station. It gives you the possibility to get status information from the charging station or control it with an UDP
Client (PC software or Smartphone App).
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
is a simple network protocol that belongs to the transport layer of the
Internet protocol family.
With suitable Home automation controllers it is also possible to realize e.g. a reduction of your energy con-
sumption in conjunction with a photovoltaic system and your charging station.
Schematic overview (example)
1.1 Requirements
The following requirements have to be met to use the UDP functionality:
KeContact P20 Charging station with network connection (LSA+ socket)
- Product code: KC-P20-xxxxxx
x-xxx or KC-P20-xxxxxx
- Firmware version: 2.5 or higher.
Enabled UDP function with DIP-switch DWS1.3 = ON (for details about the DIP-switches please re-
to the “Installation manual”).
Router or Smart-Home Server with integrated web server.
A PC or smartphone for sending the UDP commands.
This also requires a suitable UDP Client software or UDP App.