UDP commands
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UDP command “ena”
UDP command:
ena [n]
"TCH-OK :done"
= Is the enable state (binary).
0 = Disabled; is indicated with a blue flashing LED.
The same as used with the external enable input.
1 = Enabled
The answer TCH-OK confirms only the receiving of the command and not the cor-
rectness of the value.
A value unequal to 0 or 1 is also confirmed and is leading to deactivation.
The correct reception can be verified using the proper report or by getting the corre-
sponding broadcast message.
Some electric vehicles (EVs) do not yet meet the standard requirements and an "ena
0" can lead to an error in the charging station.
UDP command “curr”
UDP command:
curr [n]
"TCH-OK :done"
= Is the maximum allowed loading current in milliampere.
The answer TCH-OK confirms only the receiving of the command and not the cor-
rectness of the value.
Allowed are values between 6000mA and 63000mA. Invalid values are discarded
and the default is set to 6000mA. The value is also depending on the DIP-switch
settings and the used cable of the charging station.
The correct reception can be verified using the proper report or by getting the corre-
sponding broadcast message.