Error Diagnosis
motor overloaded
line breakage to the temperature sensor
no ERROR detected
10 No defined error recognized (should not occur)
E.ndOH no ERROR drive overheat 11 No longer overtemperature of motor Temperature SENSOR,
SENSOR is again low-resistance.
ERROR power unit
12 Error: General power circuit fault
NO.PU power unit not ready
13 Power circuit not ready
E.PUIN ERROR power unit invalid 14 Error: Software version for power circuit and control card are
different. Error cannot be reset.
ERROR load shunt fault
15 Error: charging relay does not close after the DC bus voltage
reaches its normal operating level. Occurs for a short time during
the switch-on phase, but must automatically be reset immediately
(after 10 sec's E.UP). If the error message remains, the following
causes may be applicable:
• load-shunt defective
• input voltage incorrect or too low
• high losses in the supply cable
• braking resistor incorrectly connected or damaged
• braking module defective
ERROR overload
16 Error: Overload error can only be reset at E.nOL, if OL-counter
has again reached 0%. Occurs, if an excessive load is applied
longer than the permissible time (see technical data). Causes:
• poor control adjustment (overshooting)
• mechanical fault or overload in the application
• inverter not correctly sized for application
• motor incorrectly wired
E.nOL no ERROR overload
17 No more overload, OL-counter has reached 0%; after the error
E.OL a cooling phase must elapse. This message appears upon
completion of the cooling phase. The error can be reset. The
inverter must remain switched on during the cooling phase.
18 Error: Adjusted time (Watchdog) of communication between
operator and communication bus has been exceeded.
E.OL2 ERROR overload 2
19 Error: Overload while running below 3 Hz. Can only be reset at
E.nOL2, if cool-down time has elapsed.
E.nOL2 no ERROR overload 2
20 No more overload, the cool-down time is terminated.
E.EEP E. EEPROM defective
21 Error: EEPROM defective. After reset the error is repeated. (para-
meter values changed are erased in the EEPROM)
E.PUCO E. power unit common.
22 Error: Parameter value could not be written to the power circuit.
Acknowledgment from PC <> OK
E.OH2 ERROR motor protection
30 Error: Electronic motor protective relay has tripped.
ERROR external fault
31 Error: External error is triggered when a digital input is being
programmed as an external error input.
E.ENC ERROR encoder
32 Error: Encoder cable and/or connection wiring
E.nOH no E. over heat pow. mod. 36 Internal or external temperature has dropped to a safe level.
39 Error: Set selection: It has been attempted to select a locked
parameter set.
E.PRF ERROR prot. rot. for.
46 Error: Locked direction of rotation clockwise
E.PRR ERROR prot. rot. rev.
47 Error: Locked direction of rotation counterclockwise
E.PUCI E. power unit code inv.
49 Error: during the initialization the power circuit could not be recog-
nized or was identified as invalid.
E.PUCH E. power unit changed
50 Error: Power circuit identification was changed; with a valid power
circuit this error can be reset by writing to SY.3 (application mode).
ERROR driver relay
51 Error: Driver relay. Relay for driver voltage on power circuit has
not picked up although control release was given.
E.HYB ERROR hybrid
52 Error: Invalid encoder interface identifier