GB - 32
Error and Status Display
Display COMBIVIS display
dec hex Meaning
E.OL2 Error ! overload 2
19 13 The standstill constant current has been exceeded
(see technical data and overload characteristics). The
error can only be reset if the cooling time has elapsed
and the message E.nOL2 is displayed.
inverter not correctly dimensioned
Mechanical error (moved too hard or blockade) or
overload in the application
E. OP Error ! Overvoltage
1 The DC-link circuit voltage exceeds the permissible
Braking resistor required
Interference voltages at the input (use mains filter).
the input voltage being too high
The adjusted deceleration ramp is too short
braking resistor defective or too small
Deceleration jerk too short
Worse alignment of the speed controller (overshoot of
the actual speed after the acceleration phase)
Error ! over speed
58 3A Real speed is bigger than the max. output speed.
E.Puch Error ! power unit
50 32 Power circuit identification was changed. With a
valid power circuit this error can be reset by writing
to SY.03. If the value displayed in SY.3 is written,
only the power-circuit dependent parameters are
reinitialized. If any other value is written, then the
default set is loaded.
E.Puci Error ! Unknown
power unit
49 31
Error: During the initialization the power circuit could
not be recognized or was identified as invalid.
E.PUCO Error ! Power unit
22 16
Error: Parameter value could not be written to the
power circuit. No positive acknowledgement of the
power unit.
E.SbuS Error ! bus synchron
23 17
Sychronization over sercos-bus not possible. Pro
grammed response „Error, restart after reset”.
Error ! set
39 27 It has been attempted to select a locked parameter
set. Programmed response „Error, restart after
further on next side