List of figures
List of Tables
Version 110 - Flange mounted, armature element in standard design ............................17
Version 120 - Flange mounted, armature element with internal hub ...............................18
Version 130 - Flange mounted, armature element with external hub ..............................19
Dimensions flange mounted brakes
Concentricity k between magnet centering and shaft (armature bore) ............................27
Mounting the magnets for flange-mounted brake
Example 2: Brake with armature element - hub neck inside (e.g. 01…12-02-120-xxxx) .30
Example 3: Brake with armature element - hub neck outside (e.g. 01…12-02-130-xxxx) 31
Example 4: Brake with armature element - hub neck inside (e.g. 06…10-02-320-xxxx) .32