Encoder Interface UVW / TTL Input
Tested encoders
The following TTL incremental encoders have been tested by KEB on it application:
• Heidenhain ROD 426
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same specifications of other
After the installation or exchange of an encoder interface some adjustments of the inverter/
servo software have to be done before operation:
• Switch on inverter
• Select application mode
• Select parameter Ec.0 and control whether value „22: UVW interface“ is entered. The
displayed value has to be confirmed by „ENTER“ in any case.
• Select parameter Ec.10 and control whether value „1: incremental encoder input TTL
In“ is entered. The displayed value has to be confirmed by „ENTER“ in any case.
• Select Ec.1/Ec.11 and adjust the respective increments per revolution.
• Adjust rated motor speed and frequency (e.g. at F5-S = dr.24, dr.25), because the
pole-pair number of the motor and encoder must agree.
• Select Ec.42 (Ec.20 upto V2.8) and adjust the encoder breakage recognition depen-
dent on the case of operation.
Encoder 1 status
This parameter displays, by means of different status messages, the status of encoder and
interface. Dependent on the encoder only special messages are possible. All errors are only
set at control release, although they are already displayed in Ec.37.
Value Description
The following value is displayed at correct operation:
The position values are transferred, no errors are located.
The following status messages trigger „Error! Encoder Change“ (E.EncC) as the correct
evaluation of the position is no longer guaranteed.
Error E.EncC can only be reset via parameter Ec.0. Exception ! An error due to wrong
increments per revolution (value 70) is reset immediately, if the correct increments per
revolution are adjusted (from software 2.7).
Attention, the modulation is released, when the control release is still set!
The encoder breakage recognition has released, the levels at least of one track
are undefined.
The deviation between absolute position (UVW track) and current position is too
high for a correction.
The test of pole-pair number and number of increments per revolution has deter-
mined incorrect adjustments.