Q.5.42 June 2018
Page 16
KE2 Local Area
Dashboard & Alarms
Overview, Installation, and Setup Instructions
© Copyright 2018 KE2 Therm Solutions, Inc., Washington, Missouri 63090
When changing the Manage-
ment User Credentials, Man-
agement User, or Manage-
ment Password, the changes
are made independent of each
other. You must re-authenti-
cate, with the new credentials,
after each change.
You will be prompted to con-
firm, then redirected to the
Login page.
NOTE: If login credentials are
misplaced, the only option is to
hold the reset button, and re-
set the KE2 LDA to factory set-
tings, i.e. ke2admin for all User
and Passwords. This will also
reset the wireless credentials,
to those listed on the back label
of the KE2 LDA.
Credentials: Changing User Names & Passwords
Credentials are also changed on the Management Console.
In the Credentials section,
for user security purposes,
the Management User name
and Management Password,
ModBus User name and
ModBus Password, as well as
the Wi-Fi Password for the KE2
LDA, can all be changed.
Sample screenshot
when accessing via
cell phone.